Saturday, September 24, 2011


The Gang headed out to the classic Slick rock Trail on a hot 30 degree day in the high desert. Everyone was opverly anxious to ride and we all put in huge efforts to climb the many steep pitches on the rock.

The rock is far from slick, in fact it is like sand paper.  The only limitation to climbing is your legs and your lungs or your attraction to cacti.  We had one rider get up close and personal with a cacti, and the cacti won.

Spent three hours out on the main loop and drank 36 litres of water, and then probably twice as much beer when we returned to the campsite.

"We love the life we live and we live the life we love" has become the slogan for the trip.


  1. Good Luck out there! I was just reading a Blog about Whole Brain Teaching by Pinetreelia and I saw your blog "HW Outing' and the words Slick Rock. I was trying to find out what HW ("homework" in my head... I'm a teacher) and our local slick rock trail might have in common.
    Hope you enjoy our little piece of heaven here in SE Utah and may your trip be injury-free!


  2. I was just reading about enchiladas for my Spanish classes' food unit - and wondered what home work and enchiladas have in common. I now know: math and mechanics.
    qué se diviertan!
    una profesora de español en Trail - as in 'Bike Trail'
