Saturday, October 1, 2011


Park City is our final destination on this our 20th anniversary tour.  Moab was great as usual, but Park City and it's Park City Carpet trails were very welcoming.  Iit is always hard to find your way around a new place and Park City was no exception.  Much of the signage in the ski area had already been removed, so the two rides that we did were somewhat of a magical mystery tour.

A trail called Mid Mountain provided Saturday,s entertainment.  It was a long swooping single track that traversed 3 different ski areas and provided some  panoramic  views that were already being painted by fall colors due to the 8000 ft elevation and rhe date.

This single track tested our endurance and it lasted for over 40 kilometers; Swooping through aspens and droping into leaf covered ravines provided massive entertainment. It was a very satisfying day.

  Day two led to a split of the gang, some were just too tired to do very much uphill so they went one way and found a great ride and we went another way with some locals and rode some old school Park City trails.  My handlebars were too wide for the trail in many places. A perfect way to wrap up a perfect trip.

Steak dinner for the last night in the cabin, topped off the occasion. 5 AM departure for the home front.

Check out our pictures and video below.


  1. yeah boys!

    stoked we could show you some classic tight pc single.

    hope the trek home was a safe one.

  2. Safe trip home. You made our day with that ride. Thanks again. Hope we can return the favor someday, here in Rossland.
